Friday, August 13, 2010

Left or Right Brained?

Found this very interesting!

Click here to take this test for yourself:
Left or Right Brained?

Thank you for taking the Creativity Test. The results show your brain dominance as being:

Left Brain Right Brain
50% 51%

You are more right-brained than left-brained. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. In addition to being known as right-brained, you are also known as a creative thinker who uses feeling and intuition to gather information. You retain this information through the use of images and patterns. You are able to visualize the "whole" picture first, and then work backwards to put the pieces together to create the "whole" picture. Your thought process can appear quite illogical and meandering. The problem-solving techniques that you use involve free association, which is often very innovative and creative. The routes taken to arrive at your conclusions are completely opposite to what a left-brained person would be accustomed. You probably find it easy to express yourself using art, dance, or music. Some occupations usually held by a right-brained person are forest ranger, athlete, beautician, actor/actress, craftsman, and artist.

Your complete evaluation follows below:
Your left brain/right brain percentage was calculated by combining the individual scores of each half's sub-categories. They are as follows:

Your Left Brain Percentages

54% Reality-based (Your most dominant characteristic)
44% Sequential
27% Verbal
25% Symbolic
11% Linear
9% Logical (Your least dominant characteristic)

Your Right Brain Percentages

37% Concrete (Your most dominant characteristic)
30% Holistic
28% Random
25% Nonverbal
24% Intuitive
24% Fantasy-oriented (Your least dominant characteristic)

What Do These Percentages Mean?
Low percentages are common in the Brain Type Test and are not indicative of intelligence. Instead, medium to high scores (30 - 50%) are desireable, as they show an ability to utilize a processing method without an abnormal reliance on it. Special focus should be paid to highly dominant (50% or above) or highly recessive (0 - 30%) methods, as they tend to limit your approach when learning, memorizing, or solving problems.

If you have Highly Dominant characteristics, your normal thinking patterns will naturally utilize these methods. Conscious effort is required to recognize the benefits of other techniques. Using multiple forms of information processing is the best way to fully understand complex issues and become a balanced thinker.

If you have Highly Recessive characteristics, your normal thinking patterns naturally ignore these methods. You may only consider these under-utilized techniques when "all else fails," or possibly not at all. It is important to recognize the benefits of all of your brain's capabilities in order to become a balanced thinker.


Left Brain Categories

Reality-based Processing
Reality-based processing is used by the left hemisphere as a method for processing information with a basis on reality. This processing tool focuses on rules and regulations. An example of this would be how a left-brained person would completely understand the repercussions of turning in a late assignment or failing a test. A left-brained person also usually easily adjusts to changes in their environment.

Your Reality-based Analysis

You process information with a firm basis on reality, but because of this, may lack creativity. You are able to easily create or adapt to rules and regulations. For example, you understand the repercussion of your actions. You easily adjust to change in the environment and probably do not become emotionally involved in many tasks.

Sequential Processing
Sequential processing is a method used by the left hemisphere for processing information. The information that is received is processed in order from first to last. Information is processed in a systematic, logical manner. Through sequential processing, you can interpret and produce symbolic information such as language, mathematics, abstraction, and reasoning. This process is used to store memory in a language format. Activities that require sequential processing include spelling, making a "to-do" list, and many aspects of organization.

Your Sequential Analysis

You show moderate ability to organize information sequentially. You are capable of processing information you receive in a systematic, logical order from first to last. However, at times you will process information you receive quite randomly, or may give it only a semblance of order. You are probably an average mathematician and speller, and may or may not enjoy tasks such as making "to-do" lists.

Verbal Processing
Verbal processing is a method used by the left hemisphere to process our thoughts and ideas with words. For example, through verbal processing, a left-brained person giving directions may say, "From this point continue east for two miles and turn north onto Bellevue Road. Continue north on Bellevue Road for seven miles and turn west on Main Street". With verbal processing, exact, logical directions are given in a very sequential manner compared to a right-brained person who, in giving the same directions, would use more visual landmarks.

Your Verbal Analysis

You have a moderate verbal ability. Using this method you process your thoughts and ideas with words. You tend to combine technical details with illustrations, depending on whatever strikes you. For instance, if giving directions, you might say, "Continue two miles east on Court Street and take a left at the McDonalds," combining the exact details of street names and mileage with prominent landmarks.

Symbolic Processing
Symbolic processing is a method associated with the left hemisphere that is used for processing the information of pictures and symbols. The majority of functions associated with academics involve symbols such as letters, words, and mathematical notations. This process is what aids you to excel in tasks such as linguistics, mathematics, and memorizing vocabulary words and mathematical formulas.

Your Symbolic Analysis

You have the ability to process the information of symbols at times, but you may need to first view the real object before you can understand what you are trying to process. For example, in solving math problems it occasionally helps you to "draw out" the problem, which allows you to better understand it through visualization. At other times you do not need visualization to aid you in forming your answers.

Linear Processing
Linear processing is a method by the left hemisphere to process information. In this process, the left brain takes pieces of information, lines them up, and proceeds to arrange them into an order from which it may draw a conclusion. The information is processed from parts to a whole in a straight, forward, and logical progression.

Your Linear Analysis

You tend to have difficulty in processing data in a linear manner. When processing information you tend see the whole picture first and work your way backwards, filling in the pieces as you go. The information you process is not done in a straight, progressive manner, but may take different paths as you start with an assumption and take different paths to discover the threads that lead you to that assumption. Seeing the big picture at the beginning of the process is a necessity for you if you are to understand additional information. When given a task, instead of naturally following directions in a linear fashion, you tend to feel the need to know "why" you are doing something or else you may have difficulty with it.

Logical Processing
Logical processing is a method that is used by the left hemisphere to take information piece by piece and put it all together to form a logical answer. When information is received through reading or listening, the left hemisphere will look for different bits of information that will allow it to produce a logical conclusion. This aspect of the left hemisphere is what aids you in solving math problems and science experiments.

Your Logical Analysis

Logical processing is not one of your strengths, so you may tend to rely on a "gut" feeling to help you make your decisions from the information you have received. For example, you will often choose an answer on a test because it "feels" right, and you may be correct. This is due to the fact of your tendency to look for the whole picture but not the details that create it. You can often start with the answer and work your way back to allow yourself to see the process and parts that create the whole. You may find math problems and science experiments difficult because of this.


Right Brain Categories

Concrete Processing
Concrete processing is a method associated with the right hemisphere that is used for processing things that can be seen or touched. It processes much of the information you receive from real objects. For example, a right-brained person is not just satisfied that a mathematical formula may work, but will want to know why it works. A strongly concrete person often finds it easier to solve a mathematical problem by "drawing it out" because it allows them to visualize it. The more a concrete person can visualize something the easier it is for them to understand it.

Your Concrete Analysis

At times, you feel the need to see a real object in order to understand it. At other times, you are able to understand a problem on a symbolic level. For example, you may find that in solving math problems, it occasionally helps you to "draw out" the problem in order to understand and solve it.

Holistic Processing
Holistic processing is a method used by the right hemisphere to process information. The information is processed from whole to parts. A right-brained person, through holistic processing, is able to see the big picture first, but not the details that accompany it. A strongly holistic person may often find that prior to listening to a lecture given by an instructor, they must first read the chapter so that they better understand what the lecture is about. This function is also what provides to you your visual spatial skills. It also aids in tasks such as dancing and gymnastics. Through holistic processing, memory is stored in auditory, visual, and spatial modalities.

Your Holistic Analysis

You show some ability to process data holistically, starting with the whole and working backwards to find the parts, which inform the whole, to form your conclusion. When you process information in a linear manner you are able to start with the parts and work up to form the whole. It is important to be comfortable with both methods, as both are equally necessary in the learning process.

Random Processing
Random processing is a method used by the right hemisphere for processing information. The information that is received is processed without priority. A right-brained person will usually jump from one task to another due to the random processing by their dominant right hemisphere. Random processing is, of course, the opposite of sequential processing therefore making it difficult for right-brained individuals to choose to learn in sequence. In order to overcome this, a right-brained person may want to attempt to learn sequence by using colors since the right hemisphere is sensitive to color. For example, you may want to associate the first step with green, the second step with blue, and the last step with red. Consistently using the same sequence will allow you to see that this strategy can be applied to many tasks involving sequence.

Your Random Analysis

You have some ability to process data randomly. You are at times able to make "leaps of logic" and discover unique things by thinking "outside of the box." However, you may tend to ignore your random processing thoughts unless you are desperate for a solution. It is important you recognize this skill as not grasping at straws, but a viable way to discover new ways of approaching a problem.

Nonverbal Processing
Nonverbal processing is a method used by the right hemisphere to process our thoughts with illustrations. Reliance on this method is why it is occasionally difficult for right-brained people to "find the right words" in certain situations. A right-brained person cannot just read or hear information and process it, but first must make a mental video to better understand the information they have received. For example, through nonverbal processing, a person giving directions may say, "Continue going straight until you see a big, red-brick courthouse. At the courthouse turn right, and go down that street for a couple of miles until you se a gray stone church which will be on your right. Straight across from the church is the road to the left you need to take." With nonverbal processing, the directions that are given are extremely visual compared to the exact, sequential directions that would be given by a left-brained person.

Your Nonverbal Analysis

When processing your thoughts and ideas, you use tend to use both illustrations and words. When giving directions, you probably use both visual illustrations such as, "keep going until you see a McDonalds on your right; then turn left at the Home Depot", and technical terms such as, "travel for two miles and turn east onto First Street."

Intuitive Processing
Intuitive processing is a method that is used by the right hemisphere to process information based on if it "feels" right or not. For example, a right-brained person may choose an answer on a test because they had a "gut" feeling and often they will be correct. Another example of this is how a right-brained person will know the correct answer to a math problem but will not understand the procedure of how they arrived at the correct answer. A right-brained person will usually have to start with the answer and work their way backwards in order to be able to see and understand the parts and process that create the whole.

Your Intuitive Analysis

When processing information, at times you are able to go with your "gut" instincts. At other times you may doubt your instincts, or prefer to put information together piece by piece to form your conclusion. You should be careful not to ignore your intuition, but at the same time do not solely rely on it.

Fantasy-oriented Processing
Fantasy-oriented processing is used by the right hemisphere as a method for processing information with creativity. It focuses much less on rules and regulations than the processing method of a left-brained person. Due to the fantasy-oriented processing mechanism of a right-brained person, they do not adjust well to change. Instead of adapting to the change in the environment, a right-brained person attempts to change it back to the way they liked it. But fantasy-oriented processing also provides the advantage of creativity to right-brained individuals, and since emotion is integral of the right side of the brain, anything a fantasy-oriented person becomes involved in emotionally will aid their ability to learn.

Your Fantasy-oriented Analysis

You have the ability to use both creativity and reality to process the information you receive. This is a unique gift that allows you to both focus on rules and regulations but to also act with creativity. You are able to adjusting to change, even though you might not like it, and you can become emotionally involved in your work if it interests you.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

As summer comes every year, I always think that THIS summer I will have more time to do things....take picnics, relax, just enjoy the summer, but every summer it is just busy, busy, busy and it seems like there is no laid back summer time.

So a recap...

June 14-25th- Jared had drama camp each morning and then at the end of the 2 weeks, they performed, "Horror High: The Musical".

June 23rd- We had a VERY BAD storm in the evening. Jared had gone with Sarah to Dairy Queen because it looked like it would be a while before the storm got to our area, but it moved in fast and by the time they could get back home it got really bad. Just as they turned into our addition, a large part of a tree came down across DeCamp taking the power lines with it. God obviously was watching out for them because of they had been just a few minutes sooner the tree may have fallen on Sarah’s car! She had to park her car in a drive way on the other side of the tree and then they had to run home in the rain. Mark went out to pick them up, but they were nearly home by the time he got to them. By this time it was raining and storming so badly we decided we needed to go to the basement…and of course thanks to that tree, we had no electricity! Sarah stayed until the worst of the storm passed and then we drove her back down to the tree so she could get to her car. Our power ended up being out until nearly 10:00 Thursday night and what a pain it was! You can no idea how much you use electricity until you no longer have it. I felt like I was Amish and I didn’t like it very much! I thought I would just go into work early Thursday so at least I could use the electricity there, but power was out in the church neighborhood too! A tree had also fallen there and taken out power for several homes! So….Jared went off to drama camp and Mark and Adam went t work and since I couldn’t do anything at home I went and spend some time at Panera and took my laptop. I guess there were several 1000s in Elkhart County without power!

June 27th- Jared I were on worship team, and since there was no power we practiced without mics and lights! ;) At least it was a sunny evening and there was quite a bit of light coming in through the windows.

June 28th- Well, here it is Friday and still no power at the office and we were wondering if it would come back on before Sunday. What would it be like to have church without a bulletin or maybe even church without power at all??? However, the power came back on around noon on Friday. So I worked late on Friday and came back in for a while on Saturday to get things finished up with the bulletin! What a week!

June 28th- Jared & I went to Pottawatomi Zoo.

June 30th- Jared had gone sailing with Larry & Judy Miller and in the evening they invited Mark, Adam & I to come and join them. Judy came up and brought dinner for us. Jared had gone sailing with Larry a few times before, but this was the first time the rest of us had been sailing and it was a lot of fun!

July 1st- July 11th - Friday morning….left for Word of Life Camp- Schroon Lake, NY! I have an album of photos for each day uploaded to Facebook about our adventures at camp. We had a great day trip this year to Lake Placid where they Olympics were held in 1980 and 1934. We got to go to the Olympic Center where all of the ice skating took place and it was SO, SO neat to be there where those awesome skaters had skated. This is also where the Miracle on Ice took place the US Hockey team defeated Russia. Another fun thing was the pile of SNOW they had outside of the Olympic Center! This was one of the hottest weeks on record in the Adirondacks, but there was still snow there as they make a pile to bring in every day! I even got a great photo of Jared and Lori having a snowball fight!
The boys did excellent in Teens’ Involved and all but 2 placed on the top 5….which is awesome!
On the way home from camp we stopped on Niagara Falls!

July 12th-16th- Vacation Bible School at MMBC…where I was the photographer and Mark did games with Shawn. Jared was part of the nightly drama team.

July 17th- Jared & Adam went to Cedar Point with RUSH and Mark and I went to Don & Michele’s 25th Wedding vow renewal ceremony. Afterwards we went out to dinner with Shawn and veronica to Papa Vino’s in South Bend.

July 19th- Hosted a Lia Sophia Jewelry party.

July 23rd- 31st- Elkhart County 4-H Fair. Jared took 2 herbs and received a blue on his Oregano and an Honor on his Tarragon. We went to the fair Friday night as a family, but it was an extremely HOT HOT night so we didn’t stay long.
Tuesday- Mark, Jared and I went to see Huey Lewis & the News. It was a great concert! Mark and I had seen them back in ’85 and Huey still sounded great!
Wednesday- after another bad storm came through Elkhart County, Jared and I decided to go back to the fair again…just the two of us.
Thursday- Mark and I went back to the fair and ended up spending some time with Glenn & Mary as well as Shawn & Veronica later in the evening.

July 25th- Jared & I were on worship team again.
Mark had a youth group reunion at Harrison Center. It was really nice to see John & Karen and lot of others back from Harrison Center Church

July 26th- Aric came over last night and spent the night and then spent the day with us. Later in the afternoon Braden come over too. It seemed funny to have them both here for that time because we used to babysit each of them regularly, but neither one had been here for a long time.

July 29th – Ethan Quiram is home to stay for a few weeks, with Grandma and Grandpa Miller and so today Jared and some of the other MMBC kids all went sailing with Larry again.

August 1st-6th- Jared left for Checkpoint Bible Camp in Buffalo, IN to be a councilor.

August 1st- We had our first WOL meeting of the year to plan our kick off party. Shawn and Veronica are joining us this year as WOL leaders and I know it is going to be a great year! The big news at MMBC is that we are making a switch this year and are taking on the WOL Olympian & Gopher Buddies program instead of AWANA! It think it is going to be a very positive change for our church in general!
That evening Adam took me out to eat at CiCi’s…Mark didn’t want to go so it was just Adam and I which was kind of nice!

August 6th- Jared got back late in the afternoon and then we went down to Kim’s for a cookout. Tracy came up with Ashlyn, Trey and Lynnea for a long weekend so it was nice to be able to see them and the family for an evening.

August 7th- Jared went with RUSH for a lake day at Perry’s

And that brings us up to date!! Wheww!!